It is a matrix with rows contains unique documents and the column contain the unique words/tokens. Let's take sample documents and store them in the sample_documents.
sample_documents = ['This is the NLP notebook',
'This is basic NLP. NLP is easy',
'NLP is awesome']
In the above sample_documents, we have 3 documents and 8 unique words. The Document Term matrix contains 3 rows and 8 columns as below.
There are many ways to determine the value in the above matrix. I will discuss some of the ways below.
Bag of Words
In this, we will fill with the number of times that word occurred in the same document.
If you check the above matrix, "nlp" occurred two times in the document-2 so value corresponding to that is 2. If it occurs n times in the document, the value corresponding is n. We can do the same in the using CountVectorizer in sklearn.
##import count vectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
#creating CountVectorizer instance
bow_vec = CountVectorizer(lowercase=True, ngram_range=(1,1), analyzer='word')
#fitting with our data
#transforming the data to the vector
sample_bow_metrix = bow_vec.transform(sample_documents)
print("Unique words -->", bow_vec.get_feature_names())
print("BOW Matrix -->",sample_bow_metrix.toarray())
print("vocab to index dict -->", bow_vec.vocabulary_)
It first splits the documents into words and then it gets the unique words. CountVectorizer uses token_pattern or tokenizer, we can give our custom tokenization algorithm to get words from a sentence. Please try to read the documentation of the sklearn to know more about it.
We can also get the ngram words as vocab. please check below code. That was written for unigrams and bi-grams.
N-grams are simply all combinations of adjacent words of length n that you can find in your source text.
#creating CountVectorizer instance with ngram_range = (1,2) i.e uni-gram and bi-gram
bow_vec = CountVectorizer(lowercase=True, ngram_range=(1,2), analyzer='word')
#fitting with our data
#transforming the data to the vector
sample_bow_metrix = bow_vec.transform(sample_documents)
print("Unique words -->", bow_vec.get_feature_names())
print("BOW Matrix -->",sample_bow_metrix.toarray())
print("vocab to index dict -->", bow_vec.vocabulary_)
TF of a word is only dependent on the particular document. It won't depend on the total corpus of documents. TF value of word changes from document to document
We can calculate the TFIDF vectors using TfidfVectorizer in sklearn.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
#creating TfidfVectorizer instance
tfidf_vec = TfidfVectorizer()
#fitting with our data
#transforming the data to the vector
sample_tfidf_metrix = tfidf_vec.transform(sample_documents)
print("Unique words -->", tfidf_vec.get_feature_names())
print("TFIDF Matrix -->", '\n',sample_tfidf_metrix.toarray())
print("vocab to index dict -->", tfidf_vec.vocabulary_)
With the TfidfVectorizeralso we can get the ngrams and we can give our own tokenization algorithm.
What if we have so much vocab in our corpus?
If we have many unique words, our BOW/TFIDFvectors will be very high dimensional that may cause curse of dimensionality problem. We can solve this with the below methods.
Limiting the number of vocab in BOW/TFIDF:
In CountVectorize, we can do this using max_features, min_df, max_df. You can use vocabulary parameter to get specific words only. Try to read the documentation of CountVectorize to know better about those. You can check the sample code below.
#creating CountVectorizer instance, limited to 4 features only
bow_vec = CountVectorizer(lowercase=True, ngram_range=(1,1),
analyzer='word', max_features=4)
#fitting with our data
#transforming the data to the vector
sample_bow_metrix = bow_vec.transform(sample_documents)
print("Unique words -->", bow_vec.get_feature_names())
print("BOW Matrix -->",sample_bow_metrix.toarray())
print("vocab to index dict -->", bow_vec.vocabulary_)
You can do similar thing with TfidfVectorizerwith same parameters. Please read the documentation.
Some of the problems with the CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer
If we have a large corpus, vocabulary will also be large and for fit function, you have to get all documents into RAM. This may be impossible if you don't have sufficient RAM.
building the vocab requires a full pass over the dataset hence it is not possible to fit text classifiers in a strictly online manner.
After the fit, we have to store the vocab dict, which takes so much memory. If we want to deploy in memory-constrained environments like amazon lambda, IoT devices, mobile devices, etc.., these may be not useful.
We can solve the first problem with an iterator over the total data and building the vocab then, using that vocab, we can create the BOW matrix in the sparse format and then TFIDF vectors using TfidfTransformer. The sparse matrix won't take much space so, we can store the BOW sparse matrix in our RAM to create the TFIDF sparse matrix.
I have written a sample code to do that for the same data. I have iterated over the data, created vocab, and using that vocab, created BOW. We can write a much more optimized version of the code, This is just a sample to show.
##for tokenization
import nltk
#vertical stack of sparse matrix
from scipy.sparse import vstack
#vocab set
vocab_set = set()
#looping through the points(for huge data, you will get from your disk/table)
for data_point in sample_documents:
#getting words
for word in nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(data_point):
if word.isalpha():
vectorizer_bow = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=vocab_set)
bow_data = []
for data_point in sample_documents: # use a generator
##if we give the vocab, there will be no data lekage for fit_transform so we can use that
final_bow = vstack(bow_data)
print("Unique words -->", vectorizer_bow.get_feature_names())
print("BOW Matrix -->",final_bow.toarray())
print("vocab to index dict -->", vectorizer_bow.vocabulary_)
The above result is similar to the one we printed while doing the BOW, you can check that.
Using above BOW sparse matrix and the TfidfTransformer, we can create the TFIDF vectors. you can check below code.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
#instanciate the class
vec_tfidftransformer = TfidfTransformer()
#fit with the BOW sparse data
vec_tfidf = vec_tfidftransformer.transform(final_bow)
The above result is similar to the one we printed while doing the TFIDF, you can check that.
Other than our own iterator/generator, if we have data in one file or multiple files, we can directly give input parameter as file/filename and while fit function, we can give file path. Please read the documentation.
Another way to solve all above problems are hashing. We can convert a word into fixed index number using the hash function. so, there will be no training process to get the vocabulary and no need to save the vocab. It was implemented in sklearn with HashingVectorizer. In HashingVectorizer, you have to mention number of features you need, by default it takes 220 . below you can see some code to use HashingVectorizer.
#importing the hashvectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import HashingVectorizer
#instanciating the HashingVectorizer
hash_vectorizer = HashingVectorizer(n_features=5, norm=None, alternate_sign=False)
#transforming the data, No need to fit the data because, it is stateless
hash_vector = hash_vectorizer.transform(sample_documents)
#printing the output
print("Hash vectors -->",hash_vector.toarray())
Since the hash function might cause collisions between (unrelated) features, a signed hash function is used and the sign of the hash value determines the sign of the value stored in the output matrix for a feature. This way, collisions are likely to cancel out rather than accumulate error, and the expected mean of any output featureâs value is zero. This mechanism is enabled by default with alternate_sign=True and is particularly useful for small hash table sizes (n_features < 10000).
We can convert above vector to TFIDF using TfidfTransformer. check the below code
#instanciate the class
vec_idftrans = TfidfTransformer()
#fit with the hash BOW sparse data
##transforming the data
vec_tfidf2 = vec_idftrans.transform(hash_vector)
print("tfidf using hash BOW -->",vec_tfidf2.toarray())